Monday, December 16, 2013

Ah! Blog!

Wow, Shea. A blog. We haven't heard that one before. 

I feel like I've finally reached that time in my life where I will be capable of maintaining a real blog. Right now we're going to ignore the fact that I have dozens upon dozens of old "journals" sitting in my bookshelf that have literally one entry in them. ONE ENTRY. I don't even want to think about all that paper I wasted. 

Remember that movie Read it and Weep? Yeah, I wanted it to be like that except that part where she accidentally submits her personal journal entry to her school newspaper and becomes the talk of the town and subsequently ruins all of her relationships just to have it all end happily ever after (although that would be pretty cool too). 

I think what I'm trying to say is LOOK OUT WORLD, SHEA IS COMING! I mean, I've been here for years but no one has actually seemed to notice. 

Anyways, I'm going to go now but before I leave I want to give you some details about the type of blog I'm going to be running here. 

  • Writing blog - I might be posting some of my (terrible) stories
  • Journal blog - I'm probably going to end up telling you about my day (I know, so boring)
  • Rant blog - my friends are tired of me yelling to them about this kid in my math class
And that's about it.